At Aiva Products, sustainability is a holistic approach to create and continuously improve a sustainable company delivering long term value for all our stakeholders including customers, employees, vendors, and communities in which we operate.
We believe that sustainability is everyone’s job and that a sound corporate sustainability governance framework promotes strong leadership by all our management. Aiva offer consultation for every establishment striving to do a little more. Whether it’s by offering paperless online documents, offering a range of NON-GMO and certified Organic products, and clean the community day in the company, and counting. The jest is to make the change simple and cost effective which is environment friendly, and it helps the community.
At Aiva Products, we believe that sharing our success in the communities where we do business is key to community development. Aiva offers a combination of employee cleaning the community where they live, financial contributions, and employee volunteering in the local chapters and charitable organizations. In addition, Aiva Products also encourage our customers to focus on sustainability by providing alternative solutions like recycle packaging, car-pool employee program, and product end-use.